Zwei Kongruent Null (Ed.), Barbara Doser: Video Feedback – Lyricism in Patterns of Light, Vienna 2010.
Publischer ST/A/R Printmedium Wien
english / deutsch
format landscape A4, 160 pages
ISBN 978-3-200-01764-1
Foreword by the Editor
Video-Feedback – Lyricism in Patterns of Light. Essay by Barbara Doser
Snapshots of Light Patterns
Selected Shows
Installations, Video Installations and Paintings with a Text Contribution by Günther Dankl
Selected Experimental Art Videos. Text Contributions by Birgit Flos, Gerald Weber, Christian Höller
Biography / Videography
Zwei Kongruent Null (Hg.), Barbara Doser: Video-Feedback – Poesie der Lichtmuster, Wien 2010.
Verlag ST/A/R Printmedium Wien
english / deutsch
Format A4 quer, 160 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-200-01764-1
Vorwort des Herausgebers
Video-Feedback – Poesie der Lichtmuster. Essay von Barbara Doser
Momentaufnahmen von Lichtmustern
Bewegung – Zeit – Gleichzeitigkeit. Essay von Wolf Guenter Thiel
Ausgewählte Austellungen
Installationen, Videoinstallationen und Malerei mit einem Textbeitrag von Günther Dankl
Ausgewählte experimentelle Kunstvideos. Textbeiträge von Birgit Flos, Gerald Weber, Christian Höller
Biografie / Videografie
€ 40,00 inkl.MwSt. | tax included
Foreword by the Editor
In the 1960s, during the early days of video art, experiments produced among other things video feedback, a fascinating way to generate abstract light forms. To produce this phenomenon, a video camera is pointed at the monitor to which it is connected. The result is that the images of the monitor being filmed are then displayed on that same screen. Feedback is produced, and abstract patterns of organic forms appear on the monitor. When viewing video – feedback material, the seductiveness of the moving image joins the viewer’s instinctive witnessing it take place.
Artist Barbara Doser has worked with video – feedback technology since 1993, generating video materials that are used as the basis of her artwork. A variety of processing strategies are employed to produce unique and unmistakable examples of abstract art, which represent “form in motion and motion as form.”
Barbara Doser does not employ video feedback as an optical effect for the purpose of altering images, she concentrates on the video-feedback system as the sole source of her images. This material is examined in a variety of new ways and mutations are produced, taking us into new visual cos moses.
A fascinating abstract world characterized by a lyricism of light is opened up to the viewer, drawing them to the event horizon of sensory perception. Her experimental art videos, installations and snapshots – stills that are turned into paintings and printed works – provide impressive evidence of this fact.
To honor more than 15 years of Barbara Doser’s compelling work with video feedback, Zwei Kongruent Null is releasing a catalogue she has conceived, “Video-Feedback – Lyricism in Patterns of Light”, published by ST/A/R Printmedium Wien: a comprehensive insight in her work and process accompanied by an essay as the art historical frame.